Journal Article

Ebola: Limitations of Correcting Misinformation

Published on 18 December 2014

Communication and social mobilisation strategies to raise awareness about Ebola virus disease and the risk factors for its transmission are central elements in the response to the current Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

A principle underpinning these efforts is to change risky ‘behaviour’ related to ‘traditional’ practices and ‘misinformation.’ Populations at risk of contracting Ebola virus disease have been exhorted to ‘put aside, tradition, culture and whatever family rites they have and do the right thing.’


Annie Wilkinson

Health and Nutrition Cluster Lead

Publication details

published by
Chandler, C., Fairhead, J., Leach, M., Martineau, F., Mokuwa, E., Parker, M., Richards, P. and Wilkinson, A.
The Lancet


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