
Milestones and Turning Points in Development Thinking

Published on 20 March 2012

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As a number of developing countries gained independence in the 1960s, there was an optimism of possibilities for accelerating economic and social advance in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

The Institute of Development Studies was established in 1966 and rapidly became a centre of new and challenging ideas about ending poverty in these regions. This book brings together 20 articles written by pioneers of international development, fascinating for their early challenges to orthodox thinking and bold in suggesting alternatives. Covering five key dimensons, each piece has a new introduction by Sir Richard Jolly indicating its impact on policy over the years and the enduring relevance for the challenges of our times.


Richard Jolly

Research Associate

Publication details

published by
Palgrave Macmillan
Jolly, R.
978 0 23036 83 30


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