
Responding to the Needs of Vulnerable Children in Eastern and Southern Africa

Published on 5 December 2012

Despite broad consensus that children are an especially vulnerable group, an adequate response to their multiple and complex needs is currently lacking in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESAR). There is a need for a more comprehensive and systematic response in which referral mechanisms and case management play a crucial role; they are essential in ensuring that vulnerable children are identified, their needs correctly assessed and that they receive cross-sectoral support.

This policy brief recommends a number of ways to improve current efforts to expand referral mechanisms and case management in the region. These include achieving national policy consensus and creating accountability, establishing mandates and protocols for all actors, developing a monitoring and evaluation framework and mobilising resources.


Keetie Roelen

IDS Honorary Associate

Publication details

published by
Roelen, K., and Long, S.
IDS In Focus Policy Briefing, issue 29


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