
Policy Brief 34

Evaluating Social Protection Policies: Lessons from Brazil

Published on 1 April 2013

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is considered a valuable mechanism for improving the quality of public policy and has become politically important for policymakers. However, few studies have covered the process of designing and implementing the administrative structures required for effective M&E. Pioneering approaches to evaluating social protection policies by Brazil’s Secretariat of Evaluation and Information Management (SAGI) provide key lessons around effective M&E systems.

These include the importance of timing evaluations so that they contribute to decision-making processes, ensuring qualified researchers both commission and conduct the evaluations, and developing a reporting system which both handles feedback sensitively and remains transparent about results.

This IDS Policy Briefing was produced by the Rising Powers in International Development (RPID) programme and the Centre for Social Protection(CSP), based at IDS.

Cite this publication

Paes de Sousa, R. (2013) 'Evaluating Social Protection Policies: Lessons from Brazil', IDS Policy Briefing 34, Brighton: IDS


Rômulo Paes de Sousa

Senior International Associate

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published by
Paes de Sousa, Romulo
IDS Policy Briefing, issue 34


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