
IDS Case Study

Finding Support in Family: the Story of Madeline

Published on 19 November 2019

This case study illustrates the effects of the Chemen Lavi Miyò (CLM) graduation programme on Madeline and her family.

It is widely understood that poverty undermines early childhood development (ECD), and in turn, poor ECD reinforces intergenerational transmission of poverty. Tackling poverty is therefore crucial for improving ECD. In Haiti, this presents an enormous challenge as more than half of the population live in poverty. The CLM graduation programme in Haiti provides opportunities for women to set up small businesses or other economic activities, become members of savings and lending groups, receive training and advice on health and sanitation, and receive materials for improving their homes. Six case studies of Haitian women – Angeline, Fabienne, Guerlande, Jenniflore, Madeline, and Samantha – illustrate the effect of the CLM programme on the women it supports and their families.

Cite this publication

Kim, S. and Roelen, K. (2019) ‘Finding Support in Family: the Story of Madeline’, IDS Case Study, Brighton: IDS


Keetie Roelen

IDS Honorary Associate

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