
Gender, sexuality and disadvantage: intimately entwined, but perpetually divorced within international development?

Published on 1 August 2016

This paper begins with a brief overview of research undertaken by the authors and sexual health and rights practitioners in a Southeast Asian country examining the intersections of gender, sexuality, disadvantage, and how that plays out in reality for practitioners.

It will then describe and discuss the outputs of a workshop run by these collaborators as part of the ACFID University Network conference in 2015.  The workshop, which attracted participants from both academia and the world of development practice, provided an opportunity for people to discuss the complexities and realities of working within gender and sexuality silos while seeking to generate wide-ranging social change.

This paper will conclude with a discussion of implications for donors, and International Non Government Organisations, of recognising the intersections between gender, sexuality, and disadvantage.


Stephen Wood

Research Officer

Publication details

Fletcher, G., Dowsett, G., Wood, S. and Henry, N.
Development Bulletin, issue 77


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