
Evidence Report 18

Impact, Innovation and Learning: Towards a Research and Practice Agenda for the Future – Event Report

Published on 1 August 2013

This report brings together notes and highlights from the International Workshop organised by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) in Brighton on 26–27 March 2013.

The event served as a launch platform for the Centre for Development Impact (CDI), a joint venture between IDS and Itad. The main focus in this workshop report was to share background information about the workshop (participants, programme), as well as its purpose and highlights from the technical discussions.

In particular, the latter signposts issues concerning both current practice and policy dilemmas, including areas where further thinking and innovation is needed. The report is written to stimulate thinking and questions for further work, and provides key pointers on an emerging agenda.

Cite this publication

Befani, B. (2013) 'Impact, Innovation and Learning: Towards a Research and Practice Agenda for the Future – Event Report', IDS Evidence Report 18, Brighton: IDS

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published by
Befani, Barbara
IDS Evidence Report, issue 18


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