
SLH Learning Brief;11

Local Government Leadership in Sanitation and Hygiene: Experiences and Learnings from West Africa

Published on 31 January 2022

Between July and October 2021, the Sanitation Learning Hub worked with government representatives and development partners to develop, share, and cross-analyse case studies looking at local system and government strengthening in four local government areas across West Africa: Benin (N’Dali commune), Ghana (Yendi municipal district), Guinea (Molota commune), and Nigeria (Logo LGA).

The initiative focused on examples of local leadership in sanitation and hygiene (S&H), with case studies developed in collaboration with development partners (Helvetas in Benin, UNICEF in Ghana and Guinea, United Purpose in Nigeria) and the local governments they partner with.

The goal was to cross-analyse examples of local government leadership in S&H, looking at what led to the prioritisation of S&H, and identifying commonalities and transferable knowledge through a participatory cross-learning process.

The case studies identified positive change occurred in local government leadership in S&H, and analysed the contributions to change, via document review, key informant interviews and focus group discussions. This learning brief shares the learnings and recommendations that emerged from the case studies and through the three participatory workshops that followed.

French and Portuguese translations are also available via the OpenDocs link to the right.

Cite this publication

Melloni, G. (2022) ‘Local government leadership in sanitation and hygiene: experiences and learnings from West Africa’, SLH Learning Brief 11, The Sanitation Learning Hub, Brighton: Institute of Development Studies, DOI 10.19088/SLH.2022.001


Gian Melloni

Research Officer

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Institute of Development Studies
Melloni, Gian


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The Sanitation Learning Hub

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