Journal Article


Participatory Action Research and Children: Lessons from Disaster Management and Climate Change Adaptation

Published on 1 January 2012

Recent research and practice from the fields of climate change adaptation and disaster management has created a shift from emphasis of children’s vulnerability and need for protection towards their potential as agents of change before, during and after disaster events. This article examines lessons from action research into children’s agency in disaster-prone communities of El Salvador and the Philippines.

We describe some of the participatory risk management methods that were adapted for use with children,the centrality of ethics to our approach and the importance of working with a non-governmental organisation (NGO) partner that provides ongoing support in the study communities. The research design was led by external agents in order to cross-compare findings across locations and countries. However, we argue that by engaging children in a process of knowledge generation and analysis, the research broke down some of the assumed hierarchies between researcher and researched common to orthodox approaches


Fran Seballos

Global Partnerships and Alumni Officer

Publication details

published by
Tanner, T.M. and Seballos, F.
IDS Bulletin, volume 43, issue 3


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