
Value Chain Analysis for Policy Makers and Practitioners

Published on 1 January 2005

Are you a policy maker in the Ministry of Industry and Trade, trying to improve the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises? Do you work in a local government agency with a brief to improve the earning opportunities of entrepreneurs and workers?

Are you the President of a Business Association that seeks to reposition local enterprises in the global economy? Are you the Head of a Trade Union concerned about the threat of foreign competition for local jobs? Do you run a NGO project that tries to improve the conformance of local producers with global labour and environmental standards?

Are you in charge of a donor project that seeks to reduce poverty by helping small enterprises to produce for distant markets? Are you the Governor of a region trying to make foreign donor agencies fit in with your developmental agenda? Are you a consultant or advisor working for any of the above?

If you answer YES to any of these questions, this is an important book for you.

Cite this publication

Schmitz, H. (2005) Value Chain Analysis for Policy-Makers and Practitioners, Geneva: International Labour Office


Hubert Schmitz

Emeritus Fellow

Publication details

published by
International Labour Office (ILO)
Schmitz, H.
9 2211 7738 6


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