
Strengthening Evidence-Based Policy: Outputs November 2012 – March 2014

Published on 1 September 2014

Knowledge and evidence are important elements of all policy processes. While the availability of more or higher quality evidence does not guarantee better policy processes, it is difficult to imagine how development policy and outcomes can be improved without it.

In addition to a myriad of development problems, the increasing recognition of diversity, complexity and context means that policy-relevant knowledge and evidence must address different scales of analysis, speak to different audiences and be accessible in a variety of formats.

This brochure presents selected outputs from the first two years of an IDS programme entitled Strengthening Evidence-based Policy funded through an Accountable Grant from the UK Department for International Development (DFID). Work under this grant addresses six major policy themes:

  1. Reducing Hunger and Undernutrition
  2. Addressing and Mitigating Violence
  3. Empowerment of Women and Girls
  4. Pro-Poor Electricity Provision
  5. Rising Powers in International Development
  6. Sexuality, Poverty and Law

In addition, there is a cross-cutting theme focusing on Foresight, Impact Assessment and Rapid Response.

Work under this grant privileges the review and synthesis of existing knowledge and evidence over new primary research. The modus operandi is one of ‘co-construction’: a broad range of partners have played critical roles in the conception, generation and dissemination of these outputs. Beyond publication, IDS and its partners are actively working to integrate these outputs, and the lessons and recommendations that emerge from them, into policy processes at local, national and global scales.

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IDS (2014) Strengthening Evidence-Based Policy: Outputs November 2012 – March 2014

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Accountable Grant Outputs Brochure


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