
The BRICS in International Development

Published on 1 January 2016

This book offers a comprehensive comparative perspective on the increasingly significant development cooperation activities of the BRICS. Providing a powerful set of insights into the drivers for engagement within each country, it brings together leading experts from Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and OECD countries.

The authors review the empirical evidence for the BRICS’ modes of development cooperation and their geographical reach, and explore the historical background and patterns of international development engagement of each country. They also present a cutting-edge analysis of the broader geopolitical shifts, distinctive ideologies and normative discourses that are influencing and informing their engagement in increasingly ambitious joint projects such as the New Development Bank.

This collection is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand the rapidly changing landscape of international development. It draws on work from the Centre for Rising Powers and Global Development and its partners.

Praise for this book

“Congratulations to IDS and all the authors of the book for this timely publication. Beside the financial importance of emerging economies for global devdlopment, what this book acutely emphasises is the crucial role of ideas behind the BRICS’ involvement in global governance.” Justin Yifu Lin, former World Bank Vice President and Chief Economist, and now Director of the Centre for New Structural Economics at Peking University.

“Some of the BRICS have maintained the momentum as rising powers, others are now having their own issues. No matter how relevant the grouping is, the issues raised in this book will be very relevant for a long time, the role of civil society in development being a crucial one” Dr. K.Y. Amoako, Director, African Centre for Economic Transformation


Launch events


Jing Gu

Research Fellow, Centre Director


Alex Shankland

Research Fellow

Publication details

Gu, J., Shankland, A. and Chenoy, A. (Eds.)


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