
Rosemary McGee

Rosemary McGee

Research Fellow

I am an interdisciplinary social scientist trained in development studies and co-leader of the IDS Power and Popular Politics research cluster. My work focuses on accountability, transparency and openness in governance; the use of technologies in governance; power relations and citizen engagement, including in contexts of fragility and violence; and the role of critical reflective learning in social and organisational change.

Coming from a background in NGO advocacy, in my IDS role I have undertaken advisory and consultancy work for official bilateral, philanthropic and non-government aid organisations, applied qualitative and participatory research and research management, as well as post-graduate teaching and facilitation of practitioner learning.

I teach on the above subjects and on action research methodology in the context of IDS’s MA in Power, Participation and Social Change, and mentor students undertaking action research and action learning projects. I’m interested in supervising PhDs in these subject areas. I serve as IDS’s Convenor of Professional Development and Learning, supporting colleagues across the Institute who facilitate learning among professionals and practitioners of development aid and social change in a range of organisational settings and thematic areas.

Currently I coordinate an action research initiative for the International Budget Partnership‘s SPARK programme. In recent years my work has included coordinating the Research, Evidence and Learning component of Making All Voices Count; conducting action research on Power, Violence, Citizenship and Agency with human rights defenders and social activists in Colombia; and monitoring, evaluating and supporting learning in the Diálogo (Democratic Governance Support) programme in Mozambique.

An advisor to the Accountability Research Centre at American University, Washington DC, I have also served on the International Experts Panel of the Independent Reporting Mechanism of the Open Government Partnership.

I’m co-editing a book on ‘Power, Empowerment and Social Change’ with Jethro Pettit, to be published in 2019.

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Social Accountability for Place Based Nature Recovery

Social Accountability for Place Based Nature Recovery is a consultancy project for Natural England (NE). The aim is to provide Natural England with new insights into how social accountability approaches can support place-based nature recovery, and how they might be strengthened in order to...


Learning at the intersections of just transitions

The Just Transitions Learning Project will increase voice and power, and support more inclusive and effective advocacy strategies, among marginalised communities and groups affected by energy transitions inhigh-inequality, resource-rich nations of Africa and Latin America.


‘Education Out Loud’ Global Learning Partner

IDS is a Global Learning Partner for Education Out Loud (EOL), a fund for advocacy and social accountability that supports civil society to be active, representative, and influential in shaping education policies to better meet the needs of communities, especially of vulnerable and marginalized...


Pakistan Hub

The Pakistan Hub provides focus in a country at the leading edge of development thinking and practice and is centered on a long-term partnership between IDS and the highly regarded Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS). It recognises that...




Understanding Gender Backlash: Southern Perspectives

IDS Bulletin 55.1

Far from seeing continued steady progress on gender equality, we are currently witnessing significant backlash against gender and sexual rights. Limited and hard-fought gains for some are being reversed, co-opted, and dismantled – all amplified through new social media and digital...

7 March 2024

Journal Article

International Aid Actions for Accountability: Identifying Interaction Effects Between Programmes

Aid agencies that support public accountability reforms commonly do so in the same places, and with similar state and civil society actors. However, the combined effects of their separate programmatic actions are rarely analysed. This study departs from conventional analysis of aid agency...

24 November 2022

Journal Article

The Governance Shock Doctrine: Civic Space in the Pandemic

Emergencies heighten societies’ need to be governed. Accordingly, the COVID-19 pandemic put systems of public governance under severe pressure across the globe. Civic freedoms were widely curtailed for public health reasons. Scarce resources needed to be allocated swiftly, with little...

14 November 2022

Rosemary McGee’s recent work