Past Event

Realist synthesis for realist evaluation of participatory action research

Realist synthesis for realist evaluation of participatory action research

4 June 2021 13:00–14:00

How does change happen, for who and under what circumstances and why, these are the questions that realist evaluation aims to answer. This session will introduce participants to the use of realist synthesis to help develop a realist evaluation of interventions. Using an example of a realist synthesis and evaluation of participatory action research for innovation, it will take participants through how to shape a realist review of the literature to develop realist program theories and use these theories to evaluate how their intervention is contributing to change. It will highlight the importance of setting boundaries in your realist evaluation work and paying specific attention to cases in which the intervention does not work.


Mieke Snijder,  has over a decade of experience in designing and implementing methodologies to evaluate interventions for various underserved communities.
His doctoral research investigated the tensions between the use of participatory approaches and evaluation of complex community-based interventions with three Australian Aboriginal communities.

In his post-doctoral research to date I have used participatory methods to inform the development of an intervention for Australian Aboriginal adolescents. These methods integrated action research and visual and digital approaches such as photovoice, role-playing, digital story


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Centre for Development Impact

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