
New website on religious inequalities and inclusive development

Published on 17 June 2021

The IDS-led Coalition for Religious Equalities and Inclusive Development (CREID) is launching a new programme website which shares over 200 resources including news, views, videos, podcasts and publications generated by the programme since its launch in 2018.

Until today, CREID resources were only available across multiple partner websites. Now, these are gathered for the first time in this one-stop shop which includes an interactive map and a resource library to help visitors quickly find what they need. The site will host materials in multiple languages, publish CREID’s forthcoming ebooks and link to a new online short course on FoRB and inclusive development.

CREID is a UK Aid Connect funded programme set up in direct response to the “blind spot” in global development when it comes to religious inequalities. Composed of four strategic partners – IDS, Al-Khoei Foundation, Minority Rights Group and Refecmi, along with over 30 research and programme partners worldwide, CREID has been building up the evidence base on experiences of inequalities for people of faith and non-faith, adapting research methodologies to work more sensitively and collaboratively with marginalized communities, responding to Covid-19 and working to deliver practical programmes on areas such as education reform in Iraq and basic health and sanitation facilities in Pakistan.

Professor Mariz Tadros, CREID Director, said “I am delighted see our collective CREID efforts now gathered under one roof, and available for all to delve into. Our resources range from academic papers by renowned researchers in the field to news and videos depicting the day to day experiences and struggles of people from faith and non-faith backgrounds. It’s also an opportunity for people to engage more directly with our work, for example joining our events or signing up to our forthcoming short course”.

Visit the new CREID website now.

Key contacts

Emilie Wilson

Head of Communications and Impact, ICTD

+44 (0)1273 915779



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