
Drivers of responsible business conduct in low- and middle-income countries: What do we know from existing evidence from research and practice?

The UK has the ambition to position itself as a leader in responsible business conduct and has committed to supporting implementation and adoption of responsible business practices in line with international standards, as well as exploring innovative approaches that work in different contexts. To do so, the IDS research team will conduct a rapid evidence assessment of the literature on the drivers of responsible business conduct in low- and middle-income countries. This assessment aims to support the FCDO in designing a new responsible and inclusive business programme, informing the development of the programme’s theory of change. The project will employ a multi-stage research approach, including three main activities: (1) Review the importance and experiences of different drivers of RBC in LMICs, (2) exploration of the relevance of different drivers in a set of selected sectors and (3) development of a proposal for actions to support RBC in LMICs.

Formal project title: Rapid evidence assessment of the research literature on the drivers of responsible business conduct in low- and middle-income countries.
