Journal Article

IDS Bulletin Vol. 42 Nos. 6

Democratic Governance For Social Justice: The Politics Of Social Protection

Published on 7 November 2011

This overview introduces three articles that examine some of the varying forms and dimensions of the politics of social protection policies and programmes, to give us an insight into their transformative potential.

The analysis highlights the importance of the multitude of actors and their interactions that mediate the processes and outcomes of social protection programming, in both the policymaking and implementing arenas. This demands attention to institutional features of polity and policy design, interests, attitudes and beliefs, public opinion and personalised decision-making.

The articles further show the importance of reflecting on how programmes and policies relate to existing forms of citizenship and rights. Rights-based social protection can distinctly identify citizens as claimants, not only to assume, foster and achieve active forms of citizenship and strengthen social contracts, to assist the successful functioning of policies, but also to empower the claimant, challenge iniquities and social injustice, and to encourage transformative outcomes.

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This article comes from the IDS Bulletin 42.6 (2011) Democratic Governance for Social Justice: The Politics of Social Protection

Cite this publication

Chopra, D. and te Lintelo, D. (2011) Democratic Governance for Social Justice: The Politics of Social Protection. IDS Bulletin 42(6): 10-12


Deepta Chopra

Professorial Research Fellow

Dolf J.H. te Lintelo

Research Fellow and Cities Cluster Leader

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published by
Chopra, D. and te Lintelo, D.


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