
IDS Policy Briefing 125

Achieving Diverse Development Goals: How can Different Goals be Pursued Together?

Published on 1 October 2016

In 2015, the international community adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to focus development policy globally. The Goals range across diverse fields of public policy from industry, finance and agriculture to education, sanitation, social protection and environmental stewardship.

How should actors from public, private and community sectors strive to ensure that the SDGs are all pursued together and with equal vigour, rather than piecemeal? Development professionals based at IDS and the University of Sussex explored these questions using foresight methods. Their deliberations shed light on the challenges of creating a future for humanity that will be more sustainable, secure, inclusive and egalitarian.

Cite this publication

Glover, D. and Hernandez, K. (2016) 'Achieving Diverse Development Goals: How can Different Goals be Pursued Together?', IDS Policy Briefing 125, Brighton: IDS


Dominic Glover

Rural Futures Cluster Lead

Kevin Hernandez

Research Officer

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published by
Glover, D. and Hernandez, K.
IDS Policy Briefing, issue 125


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