
K4D Helpdesk Report;726

Overview of Inclusive Business Approaches: Addressing Challenges Facing Poor and Vulnerable Communities

Published on 30 December 2019

This rapid evidence review assesses the evidence on inclusive innovation policies that target poor and vulnerable groups across emerging countries as well as within specific regions/sectors of a country. Although there is a growing list of inclusive innovation projects in different emerging countries in different parts of the world, it was observed that there is a lack of good programme reviews and evaluations. Conducting intermediate or final programme reviews and making such reports publicly available would be helpful for better learning among policymakers, the development community as well as the Science and Technology (S&T) community. The available (limited) evidence on inclusive innovation cautions that few of the inclusive innovation projects reach the necessary scale.

Cite this publication

Megersa, K. (2019). Overview of Inclusive Business Approaches: Addressing Challenges Facing Poor and Vulnerable Communities. K4D Helpdesk Report. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies.


Kelbesa Megersa

Research Officer

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Megersa, Kelbesa


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