Dr. Marco Carreras is an economist by training and works in development finance, taxation and climate finance. He is a Research Fellow in the Governance Cluster at IDS.
His ongoing research investigates the role of development banks for growth and development, corporate taxation and taxation on Digital Financial Services (DFS), and challenges of climate finance. Marco holds a PhD in Science Technology and Innovation (ST&I) from the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at University of Sussex and two MSc’s, one in Economics from the University of Bologna and one in Development Economics from the University of Sussex. He teaches econometrics, statistical methods and development economics at the University of Sussex and at IDS. His past research roles include projects funded by organizations including DFID, ESRC, UNU-WIDER, UNDP among others.
Marco has qualitative and quantitative skills and his work has been published in peer reviewed journals, as working papers and policy reports.