
Evidence Report 16

Addressing and Mitigating Violence: Uptake Strategy

Published on 1 August 2013

The overarching purpose of the Addressing and Mitigating Violence theme (AMV) is to generate useful analysis to tackle policy dilemmas relating to ‘newer’ forms of violence and organised crime.

An important goal of work across the AMV theme will be to increase the capabilities of partners and stakeholders in each of the contexts where we work to identify more effective ways of policy influence.

The strategy is a working document that reflects uptake as an ongoing process which is responsive to emerging policy opportunities, learning and partnership activities. As the AMV programme progresses through years two to four, the strategy will be continually updated and strengthened through incorporating new approaches to knowledge uptake and dissemination based on ongoing learning.

Cite this publication

Befani, B., Collodi, J., Lind, J., Munslow, T., Seballos, F. and Wilson, E. (2013) 'Addressing and Mitigating Violence: Uptake Strategy', IDS Evidence Report 16, Brighton: IDS


Emilie Wilson

Head of Communications and Impact, ICTD

Fran Seballos

Global Partnerships and Alumni Officer

Jeremy Lind

Professorial Fellow

Publication details

published by
Befani, B., Collodi, J., Lind, J., Munslow, T., Seballos, F. and Wilson, E.
IDS Evidence Report, issue 16


About this publication

Programmes and centres
Addressing and mitigating violence

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