Anuradha Joshi is Interim Director of Research at IDS. She is also a social scientist with a PhD in Public Policy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA with extensive experience in policy processes and institutional analysis.
Her core focus is on state-citizen relations, specifically in areas of accountability, collective action, service delivery and bureaucratic behaviour, taking an inter-disciplinary approach to her research. She has researched issues of mobilising ‘demand’ in basic services and in the scaling-up of innovative service delivery approaches in a variety of sectors including poverty programs, basic public services, social protection, forest policy and taxation of the informal economy. Her primary country of interest is India; but she has collaborated with partners on research projects in Brazil, Ghana, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, and Vietnam. She has extensive experience of consulting for bilateral and multilateral agencies and managing large, multi-country research projects. She has also been a member of several international advisory bodies including the Advisory Council for the World Bank Group’s Citizen Engagement Strategy and the International Experts Panel of the Independent Reporting Mechanism (the accountability arm of the Open Government Partnership).
Languages: Hindi, Marathi (fluent). Spanish, Bengali (basic).