Past Event

Webinar: Can Market-Based Approaches Include the Most Marginalised?

1 March 2017 13:00–14:30

Online webinar

The world has achieved substantial progress on reducing poverty since the launch of the Millennium Development Goals over 15 years ago. However, extreme poverty remains high, particularly amongst those also facing discrimination due to gender, ethnicity and disability.

A woman tends to her crops. Market-based Approaches Webinar photo.

Recognising this rising economic gap and related exclusion of marginalised groups, there has been a renewed global emphasis on ‘Leaving No One Behind’ – a central commitment of the Sustainable Development Goals, agreed to by the world’s leaders in 2015.

However, what is the role of markets in including and benefitting the most marginalised? And what does it take to create inclusive markets that leave no one behind?

This webinar will explore these questions through the concrete experiences and lessons learnt from working with highly marginalised groups through markets.

It will draw on 22 market-based examples that have been building confidence, creating more profitable, predictable and diverse income sources, challenging cultural biases and supporting enabling legislation, and which were included in recent research by ADD International, the Coady International Institute and IDS.


  • Jodie ThorpeResearch Fellow at Institute of Development Studies (IDS)
  • Yogesh GhoreSenior Program Staff at Coady International Institute
  • Ved Arya – Founder and CEO, Self-Reliant Initiatives through Joint Action (SRIJAN), India
  • Valentina Girotto –Technical Coordinator, Youth and Women Economic Empowerment, Plan International UK

How to participate

Visit and join Coady International Institute’s Blackboard Collaborate Webinar Space at least 20 minutes before the start of the webinar. Contact Email: [email protected] 

Preparing for the Webinar

You will need to download the Blackboard Collaborate Launcher when attending from a desktop/laptop computer. If attending using a mobile device, download the app first (just search for ‘Blackboard Collaborate’ in your iOS or Android app stores).

Make sure you do this well in advance! Blackboard Collaborate provides a Configuration Room that you can use to test your connection, settings, and configure your audio. V12.6 Configuration Room (CA-SAS)

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