
IDS response to sexual harassment allegations within Ushahidi

Published on 25 July 2017

IDS continues to be deeply concerned by the sexual harassment allegations made within Ushahidi, a consortium partner with Hivos and IDS in the Making All Voices Count programme.

Hivos, as the lead partner in the consortium, is liaising closely with donors regarding this matter.

IDS does not tolerate any form of sexual harassment in the workplace and has the highest expectations of the partners we work with in this regard.

Following the dismissal of the Ushahidi Executive Director Daudi Were, we continue to expect a full and transparent investigation into the allegations to be completed as a matter of urgency, due process around any disciplinary procedures regarding all those involved is ensured and all necessary steps to prevent this from happening again in the future are put in place.

Read Hivos’ statement

Key contacts

Hannah Corbett

Head of Communications and Engagement

+44 (0)1273 915640
