
A synthesis of lessons – Government experiences of scale-up of Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM)

Published on 1 January 2012

This report is a synthesis from lessons of government experiences of scale up of community-based management of acute malnutrition (CMAM).

It is based on nine country case studies (Ethiopia, Pakistan, Niger, Somalia, Kenya, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Malawi, Mozambique), considerations around scale-up from India, and the proceedings of an international conference in Addis Ababa, 14-17 November, 2011 at which the case studies and India experiences were presented and discussed. The contributions of an additional 12 countries at the conference are also reflected in this report.

Publication details

Khara, T., Mejía Acosta, A., Dolan, C. and Shoham, J.


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