
How Useful are RCTs in Evaluating Transparency and Accountability?

Published on 1 October 2014

A paper published by the Research, Evidence and Learning component of the Making All Voices Count programme sheds light on existing evidence about the Random Controlled Trials (RCTs) in the evaluation of social accountability tools in service delivery. Where and under what conditions might RCTs be the most appropriate approach? What other evaluation approaches would be more effective, more robust, given the particular characteristics of T&A programmes?

The paper attempts to address the overarching question: How and in what ways might RCTs and other experimental methods be appropriate in the context of evaluating T4T&A programmes?

Related files for download

  • MAVC-RCTs11.pdf
  • Cite this publication

    Leavy, J. (2014) How Useful are RCTs in Evaluating Transparency and Accountability? Making All Voices Count Working Paper 1, Brighton: Making All Voices Count

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    published by
    Leavy, Jennifer


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