Past Event

Child-sensitive social protection: policy and practice in South Asia

5 April 2016 12:30–14:00

Institute of Development Studies
Library Road, University of Sussex

During this seminar, Keetie Roelen and Disa Sjöblom will discuss work on child-sensitive social protection in South Asia, including a study on the child-sensitivity of government-implemented social protection programmes in Nepal and experiences with Save the Children’s Child-Sensitive Social Protection (CSSP) programming in Bangladesh, India and Nepal.


  • Dr Disa Sjoblom, Senior Adviser Social Protection, South Asia, Save the Children Finland
  • Dr Keetie Roelen, Research Fellow, IDS

Join the conversation live on Twitter: #CSSP

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Child-sensitive social protection: policy and practice in South Asia – Keetie Roelen from Institute of Development Studies

Child-sensitive social protection: policy and practice in South Asia – Disa Sjöblom from Institute of Development Studies

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