Past Event

Innovations for Universal Health Coverage – 2018

From 11 Jun 2018 8:00 until 12 Jun 2018 13:00

GE Healthcare, Bangalore, India

The Innovations for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) – 2018 at GE Healthcare, Bangalore, India will bring together individuals, public, private and civil society members who have been involved in the design and implementation of health care innovations, which have the potential to be taken to scale and transferred between regions and countries. This Conclave, the first of its kind, will provide an opportunity for dialogue between public and private sectors, between health and other sectors and between innovators and government officials from India and Africa.

A woman and child is seen by a doctor in India.

The aim of the Conclave is to find ways to leverage the transformational potential of these innovations and accelerate progress towards achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in low and middle-income countries (LMIC) in Asia and Africa.

The Innovations for UHC Conclave is led by the Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI), a global centre of excellence in public health, Amref Health Africa (Amref), the leading health development NGO in Africa and the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), the leading centre in multi disciplinary approaches to development.

It will bring together technology innovators, investors, government officials and public and private sector health service providers to consider practical strategies for transforming health care delivery in Asia and Africa.


Further event information and details of how to register are available on the Innovations for Universal Health Coverage event website.

Photo credit: PHFI


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