Past Event

Tackling Covid-19: Mutual learning between Trinidad and Tobago and Sussex

19 April 2021 13:00–14:00

Join us for a panel discussion on managing the health systems response to Covid-19. The discussion will consist of reflections from Dr Parasram, the Chief Medical Officer of Trinidad and Tobago and Dr Elizabeth Gill, the Chief Medical Officer of Sussex NHS Commissioners, on their local experiences from the past year and areas of mutual learning.

1 – 2 pm UK / 8-9 am Trinidad & Tobago


Dr Roshan Parasram, Chief Medical Officer of the Trinidad and Tobago. He is the focal point of International Health Regulations and Chairs the Multisectoral Committee to treat Covid-19 and other emerging infections.

Dr Elizabeth Gill, Chief Medical Officer, NHS Sussex Commissioners. She is in charge of NHS services across the three sites of Brighton & Hove, East Sussex, and West Sussex.


Gerry Bloom, physician, health economist and Research Fellow at IDS

Key contacts

James Andrews

Communications and Marketing


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