Past Event

The global spread of political polarization

5 November 2019 13:00–14:30

IDS, Room 221
Institute of Development Studies
University of Sussex
Library Road

Political polarization is tearing at the seams of democracies around the world—from Bangladesh, Brazil, India, and Kenya, to Poland, Turkey, and the United States.  Drawing on his new co-edited volume (with Andrew O’Donohue), Democracies Divided: The Global Challenge of Political Polarization, Carnegie Endowment scholar Thomas Carothers will analyze the global spread of political polarization, drawing on examples from Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, and North America. Questions to be addressed include: Why has polarization come to a boil in so many places in recent years? What are its consequences? Once democracies have become deeply divided, what can they do to restore at least some consensus?


Thomas Carothers, Senior Vice President for Studies,
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace


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