
Meet the new SSHAP Fellows

Published on 30 April 2021

Meet the new Social Science Humanitarian Action Platform (SSHAP) fellows from East Africa, West Africa, Southern Africa and Asia. The fellows will have the benefit of working closely with leading thinkers and practitioners from within the SSHAP partnership.

Meet the new SSHAP Fellows

SSHAP is delighted to launch its inaugural Fellowship Programme. Funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and the Wellcome Trust, the fellowship is focused on working with future leaders in social science to be able to apply their knowledge in humanitarian emergencies in locally relevant ways.

On 5 May, SSHAP will welcome the eight fellows from East Africa, West Africa, Southern Africa and Asia to the programme. The fellows will have the benefit of working closely with leading thinkers and practitioners from within the SSHAP partnership between the Institute of Development Studies, Anthrologica and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Salome Bukachi, a social and medical anthropologist from Institute of Anthropology, Gender and African Studies, University of Nairobi and one of the fellows in this cohort, explained:

‘I am excited to be part of the pioneer fellows and looking forward to interacting, learning and networking with the SSHAP researchers as well as other fellows. Having interacted with SSHAP material online, I am excited to be part of this great team that produces very down to earth social science materials and solutions. I expect to expand my horizons in social science research, learn how to best link theory and expertise with practice in real-time situations as well as contribute towards development of appropriate solutions to current challenges and crises, learn how to communicate scientific findings to practitioners and policymakers.’

Salome will be joined on the fellowship by seven other social scientists and humanitarian practitioners. The programme will pair social scientists with practitioners in the same region to facilitate and encourage interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge exchange.

  • Ganesh Dhungana
  • Noor Kutubul Alam Siddiquee
  • Jude Okiria
  • Samuel Kapingidza
  • Petronella Mugoni
  • Samiratou Ouedraogo
  • Chimezie Anueyiagu

At its core, SSHAP’s vision is to encourage emergency responses which are effective, adaptive, contextually informed and based on social and interdisciplinary science and evidence. The fellows will play a vital role in realising SSHAP’s vision.

The fellowship includes:

  • 1:1 mentoring with a SSHAP expert
  • Tailored professional training programme (which may include context analysis, communications skills, stakeholder mapping, vulnerability assessments)
  • Opportunities to learn from peers and share experiences
  • Platform to shape discourse and dialogue

Support in developing an operational briefing to be published and promoted via SSHAP channels

Advertising of the second fellowship will begin in June 2021, with a start date in September.

Key contacts

Vivienne Benson

Communications and Impact Manager

+44 (0)1273 915653



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