Development faces a growing threat from a changing climate – particularly through the impact of more extreme events. OECD estimates show that up to 50% of development assistance may be at risk because of climate change.
In managing such risks to development, there is significant overlap between disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (adaptation). However, these agendas have evolved largely independently until now.
This project, targeting at DFID staff members, examines how DRR and adaptation can converge. Based on consultations with about thirty key international figures working on the two areas, the paper produced includes a comprehensive set of recommendations on how to enhance convergence.
DRR can deal with current climate variability and be the first line defence against climate change, being therefore an essential part of adaptation. Conversely, for DRR to be successful, it needs to take account of the shifting risks associated with climate change and ensure that measures do not increase vulnerability to climate change in the medium to long-term.
The paper was a key resource for the November 2008 Copenhagen Policy Forum on Linking Climate Change Negotiations and Disaster Risk Reduction.
• id21 highlights on climate change and disaster risk reduction paper (pdf)
• Convergence of Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation full paper (pdf) on Preventionweb