
DFID Country Programme Evaluation – Evaluation of DFID China Programme

The DFID Country Programme Evaluations (CPEs) are essential to DFID to ensure accountability and development of the intrinsic Country Programmes. The CPE objective is to assess the country strategy, links to poverty outcomes, and DFID’s corporate objectives.

Alongside this the CPE is essential in ascertaining the choice of aid instruments; DFID’s role as a development partner; and DFID’s success in implementing its country strategy. Dr Jing Gu is consultant for the evaluation of DFID’s China Country Programme (2005-2009), commissioned by DFID’s Evaluation Department. Jing Gu is responsible for the evaluation of DFID’s WCIDI programme which includes China and Africa; China and international development; South-South learning; and World Bank Trust Funds. A synthesis report will be published in September 2010.

Key contacts

Jing Gu

Research Fellow, Centre Director

+44 (0)1273 915692

Project details

start date
1 September 2009
end date
31 December 2009


About this project

Recent work


DFID’s China Country Programme 2004-2009

The evaluation covers a five-year period 2004-2009, spanning two strategy periods: a Country Strategy Paper (CSP) (2002-2005) and a Country Assistance Plan (CAP) (2006-2011).

1 April 2010