The Future Agricultures Consortium is a multidisciplinary and independent learning alliance of academic researchers and practitioners involved in African agriculture. We aim to encourage dialogue and the sharing of good practice by policy makers and opinion formers in Africa on the role of agriculture in broad based growth. Collectively we offer a responsive mode of working, so we can engage with policy debates and issues as they arise.
The Consortium involves over 90 senior researchers and post-graduate students from leading African and UK institutions working with a wide range of partners. It receives funding from the UK Department for International Development (DFID).
Regional hubs
FAC Africa is organised as a network of three regional hubs related to the major regional economic communities in Africa (COMESA, ECOWAS and SADC), as well as a fourth hub in Europe.
FAC’s regional offices are in East Africa (Nairobi, Kenya), West Africa (Accra, Ghana), Southern Africa (Cape Town, South Africa) and Europe (Brighton, UK).