
Voices for Change ‘Gender Hub’

IDS open knowledge experts are developing a multi-faceted online resource that aims to strengthen the cadre of gender expertise and its application in Nigeria. ‘Gender Hub’ contributes to the overall Voices for Change (V4C) programme goal of improving the enabling environment for gender equality and women’s empowerment in Nigeria, particularly for adolescent girls and women.

In supporting V4C to promote a ‘culture of evidence’ Gender Hub will build local capacity to generate and apply evidence on issues relating to gender equality and women’s empowerment. In doing so the site will help improve the quality of communication, campaigns, decision-making, and action to trigger change in social norms. It will enrich the work of networks and coalitions, and build communities of practice and strengthen their understanding of issues relating to the enabling environment.

While the aim of Gender Hub is not specifically to inform the world about gender issues in a Nigerian context, the platform will nonetheless provide a window for outsiders to gain more of a contextualised understanding of the gender dimensions of development in this context.

The platform will support the following functions:

  • Increased access and availability of information on gender issues in Nigeria.
  • Easier ways for among gender experts, researchers and policymakers to interact and, hence, build communities of practice on issues relating to gender equality and women’s empowerment.
  • Stronger channels through which V4C, the Government of Nigeria, donors, other development partners and civil society organisations may showcase good practices on issues relating to gender equality.
  • Greater opportunities to strengthen capacity of researchers on issues relating to gender equality and the enabling environment – and the capacity of policymakers and civil society to use evidence to inform policy.

Primary users of the Gender Hub to should include gender experts within and beyond Nigeria including: feminist academics, women’s rights activists, men’s network convenors, researchers, programme staff, girls’ mentors, gender-focal points within Government agencies, project workers, journalists and media workers.

After the prototype launch in September 2014 the full version of Gender Hub will be developed using feedback and learning from users and stakeholders.

Interactive learning

Gender Hub will deliver a raft of interactive activities and learning experiences. The first of these learning experiences is a free online course called ‘Gender-sensitive Governance: what does it look like and how can we work towards it?’. Find out more about this course on our event page. For information about future courses, contact [email protected].

Project details

start date
1 April 2014
end date
1 October 2017
