Journal Article

Editorial: Poverty, Vulnerability and Resilience in a Post-2015 World

Published on 16 March 2013

Current statistical data suggest that there is mixed progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015. Some MDGs such as access to safe drinking water have already been reached at the global level (WHO/UNICEF 2012). However, such global success is largely due to overachievements by a few large developing countries such as China (UN 2012). In other countries progress is limited and this is especially so in Sub-Saharan Africa (Easterly 2009) and fragile and conflict affected states (UN 2012).

Looking ahead, the global economic crisis (2007) may mark the end of a relatively benign era of strong growth, buoyant aid budgets and reasonable stability. Poverty reduction will then need to be pursued in a context of economic recovery, climate change, urbanization and demographic change.


Keetie Roelen

IDS Honorary Associate

Publication details

published by
Camfield, L., Crabtree, A., and Roelen, K.
Social Indicators Research


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