
Report on the Deliberative Panel of the Market-based Solutions for the Extreme Poor Programme

Published on 17 January 2017

This report describes the discussions held by a deliberative panel on disability in Uganda. The panel formed part of a wider research project on ‘market-based solutions for the extreme poor’ funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.

The Foundation was interested in how market activity (broadly defined) could reach and potentially benefit the very poorest and most marginalised people. The research team proposed that this issue was looked at through the lens of disability, since persons with disabilities account for around 20 per cent of the population in Uganda, and persons with disabilities are usually among the poorest. The research focuses on two localities: the urban location of Kawempe on the outskirts of Kampala, and the rural neighbourhood of Gulu.


Danny Burns

Professorial Research Fellow

Erika López Franco

Research Officer

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Burns, D., Lopez Franco, E. and Ghore, Y.


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