
We can also make change’ Piloting participatory research with persons with disabilities and older people in Bangladesh

Published on 1 April 2015

Sightsavers, HelpAge International, ADD International, and Alzheimer’s Disease International worked together with the Institute of Development Sudies (IDS) to bring the perspectives of those who in poverty or who are highly marginalised into post-2015 policy making.

This report presents the findings of the Voices of the Marginalised pilot research project. It draws on the real-life stories of persons with disabilities and older people, as told to researchers by persons with disabilities, family members of persons with disabilities and older people themselves.

The research was carried out in Bangladesh, the world’s seventh most populous country and one experiencing rapid demographic change. The aim of the research was to understand better the experiences of social, political, and economic exclusion of persons with disabilities and older people from their own perspectives.

A Briefing Paper based on this report is also available.

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published by
Burns, D. and Oswald, K.


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