
Change and Continuity in Women’s Everyday Lives in Ghana: Exploring some Indicators of the Material Dimensions of Empowerment and Citizenship

Published on 1 January 2009

This paper, presented to ‘Pathways: What are we Learning?’ Analysis Conference held in Cairo, 20-24 January 2009, seeks to interrogate the extent to which change has occurred in the lives of three generations of Ghanaian women. This is to assess the extent of changes and continuities in the lives of women as a social group. Change here is being used as an indirect indicator of empowerment when it involves improvements. The significance of the various indicators in the lives of the different generations of women will also be explored.

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Tsikata, D. and Darkwah, A. (2009) 'Change and Continuity in Women's Everyday Lives in Ghana: Exploring some Indicators of the Material Dimensions of Empowerment and Citizenship', paper presented at the 'Pathways: What are we Learning?' conference, Cairo, 20-24 January

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