Journal Article


Globalisation and the Governance of the Environment

Published on 1 July 1999

It is sometimes argued that the term ‘globalisation’ is misleading because it describes a trend which is largely confined to the relations between a small number of highly industrialised states and firms operating within East Asia, North America and Europe.

This IDS Bulletin demonstrates, however, that it is a process with repercussions extending far beyond the power centres of the global economy, to the lives of most people. In particular, it refers to the impact of the internationalisation of trade, production and finance upon the world of environmental politics.

The IDS Bulletin focuses on change in the institutions and actors working on the environment, brought about by the developments taking place in the global economy. At the same time, it highlights how these actors are shaping the course of that economic change.

Publication details

published by
Newell, P.
IDS Bulletin, volume 30, issue 3
0265 5012


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