
IDS Evidence Report 105

High-Level Roundtable on Political Settlements: Goodenough College, London, 15 October 2014

Published on 1 January 2015

This roundtable was held at Goodenough College, London, on 15 October 2014. Its purpose was to engage high-level policymakers and academics on the relevance of the political settlement lens for the comparative study of political settlements within countries across different time periods and levels.

The discussion was based on specific case study examples that focused on violence and political settlements, and ways of strengthening state competencies and citizen agency to address and mitigate violence.

The roundtable and case study research were funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) as part of the Institute of Development Studies’ Accountable Grant.

Cite this publication

Mitchell, B. (2015) High-Level Roundtable on Political Settlements: Goodenough College, London, 15 October 2014, IDS Evidence Report 105, Brighton: IDS


Rebecca Mitchell

Postgraduate Researcher and Programme Manager

Publication details

published by
Mitchell, B
IDS Evidence Report, issue 105


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Programmes and centres
Addressing and mitigating violence

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