
IDS Policy Briefing 141

How Do State–Business Relations Shape Sustainable Development?

Published on 1 March 2017

The achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals will depend on the ways in which states and businesses engage with one another.

While state–business interactions can take many forms, they inherently involve processes of negotiation through which actors in both camps pursue their own interests. Successfully accelerating sustainability, generating inclusion or reducing inequalities will depend on whether such negotiations build on and support interdependencies, create trust, and develop shared ideas about challenges and potential solutions. But the factors that determine the nature and outcomes of state–business relations are not yet well-enough understood, particularly in relation to goals beyond economic growth, where trade-offs are often more apparent.

Cite this publication

Thorpe, J. and Mader, P. (2017) 'How Do State–Business Relations Shape Sustainable Development?', IDS Policy Briefing 141, Brighton: IDS


Jodie Thorpe

Research Fellow

Philip Mader

Research Fellow

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published by
Thorpe, J. and Mader, P.
IDS Policy Briefing, issue 141


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