
IDS Annual Review;2020

IDS Annual Review 2020

Published on 7 September 2020

Our research, learning and teaching continues to transform the knowledge, action and leadership needed for more equitable and sustainable development globally. It has been an extraordinary year of challenge and change.

As the Covid-19 pandemic and its economic, social and political fall-outs continue to rock the world, we have engaged at multiple levels with partners worldwide to support recovery and help build back better.

Collaborating across sciences, sectors and communities, we have generated and applied evidence in ways that ultimately make a difference to people’s lives. For example, in the past year we have contributed insights that have informed emergency responses to disease outbreaks for Covid-19, Ebola and cholera. Our research has supported job creation and youth employment in Africa, and extending our legacy on participatory methods, we have collaborated with India’s most marginalised communities to help ensure their voices are heard and shape the policies intended to ensure they are not left behind.

Only through global cooperation and collaboration can we address crises such as Covid-19 and realise our shared visions of a more equitable and sustainable world. We hope our 2020 Annual Review inspires you to join us.

Cite this publication

IDS (2020) IDS Annual Review 2020, Brighton: IDS

Publication details

published by
Institute of Development Studies
978 1 78118 668 8


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