Working Paper

CDI Practice Paper 12

Improving the Practice of Value for Money Assessment

Published on 30 March 2015

This CDI Practice Paper by Julian Barr and Angela Christie brings together recent work at Itad to examine the origins of the concept of value for money (VFM) in the performance audit of public expenditure and its increasing prominence as a tool applied to support the management of publicly funded international development.

It considers similarities and differences between VFM audit and evaluation, and identifies opportunities to strengthen the practice of both. The paper outlines the challenge of using VFM concepts to improve development impact and proposes a VFM diagnostic tool to help meet this challenge, drawing on practice examples from the past three years to illustrate its use.

Cite this publication

Barr, J. and Christie, A. (2015) Improving the Practice of Value for Money Assessment, CDI Practice Paper 12, Brighton: IDS

Publication details

published by
Barr, J. and Christie, A.
CDI Practice Paper, issue 12


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