Journal Article

Development in Practice

Is Development Work Still So Straight? Heteronormativity in the Development Sector Over a Decade On

Published on 3 September 2022

Eleven years ago, Susie Jolly published an article in this journal detailing the ways that international development work was heteronormative, assuming heterosexual gender stereotyped household models and framing sexuality as a problem of ill-health or violence, rather than a potentially pleasurable contributor to well-being.

Over a decade later, while the sector is largely still heteronormative, LGBTI and sexual pleasure have now made an entry into development discourses. However, they have both been co-opted at least to some degree to reinforce other intersecting axes of inequality. A more productive frame for addressing sexuality would be an integrated sexual rights and sexuality politics approach.

Cite this publication

Jolly, S. (2022) 'Is Development Work Still So Straight? Heteronormativity in the Development Sector Over a Decade On', Development in Practice, DOI: 10.1080/09614524.2022.2115012


Susie Jolly

Honorary Associate

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