
Learning from 30 years of the Self Employed Women’s Association in Madhya Pradesh (SEWA MP)

Published on 1 August 2017

The Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) aims to provide an enabling environment for women’s inclusion into economic growth processes through mobilising workers to claim their rights and entitlements from the state and employers; promoting livelihood generation; and promoting financial self-reliance. The organisation recognised a close relationship between unpaid care work and paid work soon after it formed, and has a vision of setting processes in place to make the state accountable for supporting women’s unpaid care work.

This Programmatic Note examines the work of SEWA in Madhya Pradesh (SEWA MP), India, in order to understand how women’s economic empowerment policy and programming can generate a ‘double boon’ – paid work that empowers women and provides more support for their unpaid care work responsibilities.


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