
Making Care Visible: Influencing Story on Policy Change on Unpaid Care Work

Published on 1 March 2015

This story of influence provides the background to how the unpaid care strand of the Sida sponsored IDS Gender, Power and Sexuality programme has been working with partners in South and South East Asia and in international civil society and policy spaces to raise the visibility of women’s unpaid care work as a key issue for development policy and practice.

Unpaid care work is relevant to almost all aspects of gender equality and is directly linked to the economic empowerment of women and girls. This report provides background to the issue, giving context and rationale for the work strand. It then moves on to describe the strand’s activities and approaches and highlights the changes/results achieved, detailing pivotal moments in the strand’s journey before analysing what worked and what worked less well and how influencing work can continue to progress this issue in the future.

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  • Stories of Influence Making Care Visible
  • Publication details

    published by
    Institute of Development Studies
    Nesbitt-Ahmed, Zahrah


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