Journal Article

Making Poverty Analyses Richer – Multidimensional Poverty Research for Policy Design

Published on 1 December 2009

The information revealed by poverty estimates relying on multidimensional indicators on the number and the characteristics of poor people overlaps only partially with the information provided by poverty estimates based on moneymetric indicators. The differences in outcomes between multidimensional and monetary approaches are substantial and guide social policy in different ways and along different alleys. This holds for nearly all countries, but is especially true for poverty in low-and middle-income countries, as is illustrated in this chapter on Vietnam and Congo.


Keetie Roelen

IDS Honorary Associate

Publication details

published by
Ashgate Publishing Limited
De Neubourg, C., Roelen, K. and Gassmann, F.
Boyser, K., Dewilde, C., Dierckx, D. and Friedrichs, J.


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