
Modern Slavery Prevention and Responses in South Asia: An Evidence Map

Published on 1 December 2018

The Asia Pacific region has the highest numbers of both slavery and child labour victims in the world. The International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates that 16.5 million and 8.4 million persons were in situations of forced labour and forced marriage respectively in Asia Pacific, among 40.3 million in modern slavery globally (ILO & Walk Free Foundation 2017).

Although there is a growing body of research and evaluations on specific sub-sectors and interest in the worst forms of labour exploitation, there has not yet been a systematic scoping or synthesis of studies that would help policymakers understand ‘what works’ to reduce the prevalence of “Modern Slavery”2(MS) in the countries of interest to DFID (India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan). India alone is estimated to have the largest number of people in modern slavery in the world with nearly 8 million persons living in modern slavery, followed by 3.2 million, 592,000 and 171,000 in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal respectively (Walk Free Foundation 2018).

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Oosterhoff, P.; Yunus, R.; Jensen, C.; Somerwell, F. and Pocock, N.S. (2018) Modern Slavery Prevention and Responses in South Asia: An evidence map, London: Department for International Development


Pauline Oosterhoff

Research Fellow

Raudah Yunus
Charity Jensen
Francis Somerwell
Nicola Pocock

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published by
Department for International Development


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