Journal Article

IDS Bulletin Vol. 42 Nos. 3

Negotiating Climate Resilience in Nepal

Published on 5 May 2011

One of the key drivers of the global political economy of climate change is the evolving financial architecture; yet there is little research into how this plays out at the national level. How will the new ideas and ideologies be received and interpreted in national policymaking arenas? What does this mean for how power, processes and resources are negotiated and institutionalised?

This article addresses these questions through a case study analysis of the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR) in Nepal. We examine how the global objectives of the PPCR are being interpreted and re?conceptualised by different actors; and how this conceptualisation is influenced by, and reinforces or challenges, existing political ideologies and interests. We suggest that attention to these dynamics could help resolve some emerging tensions as the PPCR moves forwards towards implementation.

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This article comes from the IDS Bulletin 42.3 (2011) Negotiating Climate Resilience in Nepal

Cite this publication

Ayers, J., Kaur, N. and Anderson, S. (2011) Negotiating Climate Resilience in Nepal. IDS Bulletin 42(3): 70-79


Jessica Ayers
Nanki Kaur
Simon Anderson

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published by
Institute of Development Studies


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